Friday 19 August 2011

Earlier this year...

I got in the car and drove up to Stamford, a town of such beauty and historic interest that you half expect everyone to be in costume and the possibility of running into Rufus Sewell seems enhanced.  Anyway, I was thrilled to be going to visit the floral legend and emporium which is Miss Pickering's.  You will know that I am a huge fan of this very talented florist and blogger.  Her shop is a monument to gorgeousness.
I went for a day's tuition in floral arrangement (think of it as CPD for florists) and also some photographic tuition from the lovely Emily Quinton.

Here's the arrangement part;  Miss P's style includes masses of different foliage, lovely scents and amazing colours and textures, so this is probably what we call a pale imitation, but I had a lot of fun (and rhubarb muffins, v. delicious).
Emily's tuition was very helpful too, I discovered parts of my camera I never knew existed....still lots to learn.
The other highlight of my day was meeting The Hound, who is Miss Pickering's shop dog in residence, who keeps an eye on all the comings and goings.  He is charm personified, considering he is something of a celebrity dog and has his own blog

Miss P was happy for me to take pictures of the Hound and he graciously agreed.  With due deference to my own lovely dogs, the Hound is indeed very handsome.  Who needs Rufus Sewell?

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